Years sector experience in the management team
Networks acquired and built
since 2014

Commercial and residential

Years sector experience in the management team
Networks acquired and built
since 2014

Vasa Värme was the first sustainable heat network platform built by Asper. Between 2014 and 2019 Asper built up the platform through a series of acquisitions and construction projects to become one of the leading district heating companies in Sweden. By 2019 Vasa Värme was delivering sustainable heat to over 1,000 connection points across six municipal networks. In 2020 the investment was successfully exited to a Scandinavian industrial player.

Vasa Värme was established in 2014 following over a year of research by the Asper team. By 2019 Vasa Värme employed c40 people and its management team counted on over 100 years of technical experience. Working closely with the management team, over five years we acquired and built six networks, integrating them into a lean platform, and optimized their operational performance through targeted investments and best-practice management.

For example, in Kalix we invested in the construction of a new biomass boiler which contributed to eliminate almost entirely oil consumption, thereby improving significantly the asset’s environmental performance, whilst enhancing its financial performance at the same time. In Ekero we partnered with the municipality to build an entirely new network serving the high-growth community with sustainable and affordable heat.